The San Jose Police Department announces the Neighborhood Watch Program.
The San Jose Police Department is organizing a community/neighborhood watch program.
This Neighborhood Watch program (NWP) is a partnership between neighbors and the San Jose Police Department to improve safety and prevent crime. This partnership is a step towards keeping your neighborhood safe and preventing crime as well as a stepping stone to community revitalization. This group will gauge neighbor’s interest; establish purpose of program; begin to identify issues that need to be addressed. This program is an association of neighbors who look out for each other’s families and property, alert police to any suspicious activities or crime in progress, and work together to make San Jose a safer and better place to live. The San Jose Police Department will train the group members in home security techniques, observation skills, and crime reporting. This group also act as an extra set of eyes and ears.
Neighborhood Watch is the responsibility of its members. The San Jose Police Department will serve as a resource for the program. It is the responsibility of the elected neighborhood watch Coordinator’s to organize meetings, publicize meetings, and determines the content to be discussed and to facilitate the meetings. Successful groups meet regularly and maintain frequent contact among the group members. Meeting topics include: • Crime in your neighborhood • How and when to contact the police • Education on crime awareness, personal and home safety, scams/fraud, and holiday safety •
On Saturday October 10, 2015 at 9am a meeting will be held at the San Jose Police Department. This meeting is very important. It can determine who will participate and what issues the group will address. It is also the time when the neighborhood network actually gets set up. It is where direct cooperation with San Jose Police Department can be started, and where plans can be made
There will be ground rules so that progress can be made in an orderly fashion, such as:
No blaming (placing blame does not create a solution)
No soap boxing (everyone deserves their turn to speak)
Listen respectfully to everyone’s ideas
If you disagree, disagree with ideas or positions; don’t attack people
• Allow each person to contribute the concerns and challenges that they see for the neighborhood. These items will be listed on a whiteboard giving the group a clear view of all of the issues.
• The same will be done for the strengths and positive attributes of the neighborhood.
• San Jose Police Department will aid in the meeting, and address any questions or concerns.
• Organize the concerns that you have listed and decide which one is the most important.
• Talk about ways that this concern can be dealt with, and set an action plan if necessary.
• Decide on the possible roles people might play in the NWP. Some possibilities include:
* Coordinators at various levels
* Liaison with law enforcement
* Formal reporters – people who take regular shifts walking around the neighborhood (often in pairs or groups) and noting any odd or suspicious activity
* Informal reporters – people who don’t have regular shifts, but who agree to be watchful in their travels around the neighborhood, and to report anything that merits it
* Recruiters of new NWP members and those who spread the word about the NWP and about whom to contact if you have concerns
• Organize a communication system
• Provide information on making property safer and guidelines for documenting suspicious activity
• Set the time and place for your next meeting
It’s up to all of us to make our community a better place.
Together we can make a difference.
People interested in being a part of this program should email your name, home address, email address, and phone number to: [email protected] (This information will remain confidential)
The San Jose Police Department