Commission Report for the Week of January 13th, 2025 to January 17th, 2025
January 13th:
911 Call Census: 1,645
Jail Census: 233
- No Quorum
- Western Commissioner Mark Edwards met with Department Heads. Present: 911 Joint Communications Director Dannelle Lauder, Building & Grounds Director Chris Hoke, EMA Director Trisha Rooda, IT Director Brett Denomme, Road & Bridge Superintendent James Hill, HR & Payroll Specialist Marie Kringle, and Executive Assistant to the Commission Noah Shepard.
January 14th:
- HR & Payroll Specialist Marie Kringle discussed workers’ comp payment.
- Commission approved removing Chris Marshall from the Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission (PTRPC) Transportation Advisory Council (TAC) due to lack of attendance.
- Commission appointed Mark Edwards to the PTRPC TAC for the unexpired term to end December 2026, with Western Commissioner Mark Edwards abstaining.
- Commission renewed the appointments for Jim Marcum and Clark Fobian on the PTRPC TAC.
- Commission appointed Mark Edwards to serve on the West Central Missouri Solid Waste Management District Region F Executive Board with Western Commissioner Mark Edwards abstaining.
- Commission appointed Bill Taylor as Western Commissioner Mark Edwards’s alternate on the West Central Missouri Solid Waste Management District Region F Executive Board with Presiding Commissioner Bill Taylor abstaining.
- Commission held a meeting with OWN Inc. pertaining to Phase 2 of the Governor’s Cost Share North 65 Project. Present: GIS/Grants Director James Theisen via Zoom, OWN Inc. representatives: Executive Vice President & Public Infrastructure Division Leader Andrew Eckhart, Field Services Department Manager Kevin Marti, Office Leader Sean Matlock, and Public Infrastructure Department Manager Greg Parker.
- Commission went into closed session pursuant to Rsmo 610.021(1) due to time sensitive legal discussions.
- Auditor Beverly Dillon discussed purchase orders.
- Western Commissioner Mark Edwards and Eastern Commissioner Israel Baeza had a virtual meeting with Routeware. Also present: Road & Bridge Administrative Assistant Brandi Mannering.
January 15th:
- Commission had a meeting with Building & Grounds Director Chris Hoke regarding various proposals and other departmental updates. Commission approved letting the bid for proposals on the restoration of the Courthouse clock.
- Commission tabled the tax sale surplus funds request on Parcel Number: 039032416003000.
- Commission had a meeting with Sheriff Brad Anders regarding increasing the per diem for jail housing for local prisoners and contractual county prisoners from $45.00 to $60.00 per day. Commission approved the request. Also present: Jail Administrator Captain Skyler Viebrock and Major Tollie Rowe.
- Commission approved the workers’ comp payment by HR & Payroll Specialist Marie Kringle based on the rates she presented related to salary per employee.
- Courthouse Centennial Celebration Committee Meeting was held in the Commission Chambers. Present: Chair Marsha Boeschen, Members: Presiding Commissioner Bill Taylor, Western Commissioner Mark Edwards, and Eastern Commissioner Israel Baeza, City of Sedalia Planner/ Downtown Specialist Joleigh Cornine, and Sedalia Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Debra Andresen. Also Present: Building & Grounds Director Chris Hoke, Sedalia Convention & Visitors Bureau Executive Director Carolyn Crooker, and Sedalia Area Tourism Commission Chairman Kyle Herrick.
- Presiding Commissioner Bill Taylor attended the Missouri Association of Counties (MAC) Agriculture/ Environment Steering Committee virtual meeting.
January 16th:
- Prosecuting Attorney Tony Farkas, Treasurer Kim Lyne, and Collector Marsha Boeschen discussed the tax sale surplus request on Parcel Number: 039032416003000; Commission approved authorizing Treasurer Kim Lyne to make the payment of $1,438.24 for the tax sale surplus funds request on Parcel Number: 039032416003000 to the Missouri Department of Social Services.
- HR & Payroll Specialist Marie Kringle visited the Commission.
- GIS/Grants Director James Theisen discussed the Governor’s Cost Share North 65 Project.
- Commission attended PTRPC TAC quarterly meeting in Concordia. At the meeting, Western Commissioner Mark Edwards was elected as TAC Chair.
January 17th:
- Commission attended a hearing in Moniteau County in relation to 22MT-CC00037 - MID-MO WASTE SY v. PETTIS CO MO.
- Commission spoke at the Pettis County Pachyderm meeting.