City of South Gate

City of South Gate Welcome to the Official City of South Gate Facebook

Did you know that Universal Waste Systems (UWS) provides a free service for the pickup of 10 bulky items each month? If ...

Did you know that Universal Waste Systems (UWS) provides a free service for the pickup of 10 bulky items each month? If you manage multiple units, you can enjoy 10 pickups per unit. To arrange your pickup, simply call (562) 334-3660.

Let’s work together for a cleaner South Gate!

For more information, please visit

For more information, please visit

📣 Final Call, South Gate Students! 📣

⏳ The deadline for the 2024-2025 South Gate Scholarship Program is just around the corner! Don’t miss your chance to win one of 5️⃣ $2,000 scholarships!

🌱 Essay Topic:
“Environmental Sustainability & Me”
Share your ideas for a greener future and make your mark! 🌍

📅 Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025
📲 Scan the QR Code for submission guidelines and criteria.

🎓 Don’t wait—this is your opportunity to shine and invest in your future!

Here is our 2025 Street Sweeping & Trash Collection Holiday Schedule for your reference. Please remember that UWS Trash ...

Here is our 2025 Street Sweeping & Trash Collection Holiday Schedule for your reference. Please remember that UWS Trash service will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week during observed holidays.

Leland R. Weaver Library on Tweedy Blvd will be closing January 19th for refurbishment. The library is expected to reope...

Leland R. Weaver Library on Tweedy Blvd will be closing January 19th for refurbishment. The library is expected to reopen in Fall 2025. The last day of service is Saturday, January 18, 2025.

In light of the closure, Hollydale Library on Garfield Ave will expand their hours and begin offering services on Saturdays.

Beginning January 25, 2025
Mondays – 10am – 6 pm
Tuesdays – 12pm – 8 pm
Wednesdays – 12pm – 8 pm
Fridays & Saturdays – 10am – 6 pm

City Hall will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.✅Trash will be collected by ...

City Hall will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

✅Trash will be collected by UWS.
❌ No Street Sweeping

❗️Citations related to street sweeping and trash pickup will NOT be issued on 1/20/24 only.
❗️ All other parking restrictions will be enforced (Ex: blocking driveways, fire hydrants, redzones, etc.)

For more information and a list of the observed holidays, please visit our website

ATTENTION: You may have received an emergency text alert from LA County regarding evacuation in our area. We confirmed w...

ATTENTION: You may have received an emergency text alert from LA County regarding evacuation in our area. We confirmed with LA County that this was issued in error. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Please share with other neighbors.


ATENCIÓN: Es posible que haya recibido un mensaje de texto de alerta de emergencia del condado de Los Ángeles sobre la evacuación en nuestra área. Confirmamos con el condado de Los Ángeles que esto se emitió por error. Pedimos disculpas por cualquier confusión que esto pueda haber causado. Por favor comparte con otros vecinos.

📢 Air Quality Alert for our area.▪Remain indoors with windows and doors closed▪Avoid intense outdoor physical activity▪R...

📢 Air Quality Alert for our area.
▪Remain indoors with windows and doors closed
▪Avoid intense outdoor physical activity
▪Run your air conditioner and/or an air purifier
▪If you must be outdoors, keep the time brief and wear a well-
fitting N-95 mask
▪Do not use whole house fans that bring in outside
air if you have other methods to stay cool
▪Avoid other sources of pollution such as fireplaces, candles, incense,
grilling, and gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment.

Strong winds are forecasted for our area beginning this afternoon through Thursday. This is a reminder to secure any out...

Strong winds are forecasted for our area beginning this afternoon through Thursday. This is a reminder to secure any outdoor patio furniture, trampolines, and other items that could be blown around.

How to Report Wind Damage:
✅ For downed trees or other large debris in the roadway, please call (323)563-5773: After Hours (323)563-5436.
✅ For emergencies, such as downed power lines, call 9-1-1.
✅ For non-urgent reporting, use the City’s Go South Gate App to report downed trees (not in the road or other non-emergency issues) or damaged/downed banners.

Holiday trees will be collected from December 26,2024 through January 10,2025:✅ Important Reminders:✨Remove all lights, ...

Holiday trees will be collected from December 26,2024 through January 10,2025:

✅ Important Reminders:
✨Remove all lights, ornaments, tinsel, and tree stands.
✨Place your tree on the curb next to your green organics cart, and do not block streets, alleys or sidewalks.
✨Plastic or flocked trees (fake snow) can’t be recycled—dispose of these in your trash bin.

It's the most wonderful time of the year, so don't forget to properly dispose of your holiday decorations and trees! 🎄Un...

It's the most wonderful time of the year, so don't forget to properly dispose of your holiday decorations and trees! 🎄

Universal Waste Systems will be collecting Christmas trees/foliage in December 26, 2024-January 17, 2025.

If you have a tree for pickup, please remember to...
1️⃣ Remove all lights, ornaments, tinsel and strands.
2️⃣ Place the trees/foliage at the curb next to your trash carts on your regular collection day.

✨ Please note that plastic trees and decorations will not be accepted. Make sure you toss those in your regular trash carts, and properly recycle any batteries and plug-in decorations as electronic waste through UWS.

For more information on trash and recycling in South Gate, please visit 💻
Es la época más maravillosa del año, ¡así que no olvides deshacerte adecuadamente de tus decoraciones y árboles navideños! 🎄

Universal Waste Systems Recogerá árboles/follaje de Navidad del 26 de diciembre de 2024 al 17 de enero de 2025 del 26 de diciembre de 2024.

Si tiene un árbol para recoger, recuerde ...
1️⃣ Retire todas las luces, adornos, oropel y hebras.
2️⃣ Coloque los árboles / follaje en la acera junto a sus carritos de basura en su día regular de recolección.

✨ Tenga en cuenta que no se aceptarán árboles de plástico y decoraciones. Asegúrate de tirarlos en tus carritos de basura regulares y recicla adecuadamente las baterías y las decoraciones enchufables como residuos electrónicos a través de UWS.

Para obtener más información sobre la basura y el reciclaje en South Gate, visite 💻

Public Notice - Fire Flow Test-Hydrant Flushing  The Water Division will be testing hydrants at 9933 Walnut Avenue, on D...

Public Notice - Fire Flow Test-Hydrant Flushing

The Water Division will be testing hydrants at 9933 Walnut Avenue, on December 18, 2024, starting at 10PM and ending at 12:00AM.

Staff has proactively taken the following steps to minimize the impacts to water customers:

• Scheduled work at night when records indicate demand is at the lowest.
• Notified customers door-to-door within the impacted area.
• Notifications via website, social media, and email.

While all steps have been taken to reduce the chance of a customer experiencing a water discoloration episode, customers in the impacted area are strongly encouraged to not use water during these times to the extent possible. Should you experience discolored water, we ask that you flush your own house pipes by running faucets for approximately 5 minutes or less. This should dispel any such discolored water that by small chance got into your house or business water pipes.

Should you have continued water discoloration after flushing, please call our Public Works Department at 323-563-5790, for afterhours call Police Dispatch at 323-563-5436.

While most City services will be closed in observance of the holiday season, Monday, December 23rd through January 1st, ...

While most City services will be closed in observance of the holiday season, Monday, December 23rd through January 1st, public safety services will operate during the holidays.

Water Bill Payments can be made online or placed in the drop box.

🔹NO trash collection on 12/25/24 and 1/1/25 (UWS Trash service will be delayed by one day for the rest of the week for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day).

🔹Street sweeping parking restrictions will not be enforced on 12/24/24, 12/25/24 and 1/1/25.

🔹To avoid parking citations on the observed holidays, vehicles must be parked in accordance with all other parking regulations.

Happy Holidays!

On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, the City Council authorized the administration of the Oath of Office to the re-elected Ci...

On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, the City Council authorized the administration of the Oath of Office to the re-elected City officials elected from the General Municipal Election on November 5, 2024:
City Council Member Maria R. Davila
City Council Member Gil Hurtado
City Council Member Maria del Pilar Avalos

The City Council also held its annual reorganization. By unanimous vote, Councilmember Maria Davila was selected as Mayor and Councilmember Joshua Barron as Vice Mayor.

Have you heard? California's Senate Bill 1383 requires businesses to divert organic waste from landfills by recycling th...

Have you heard? California's Senate Bill 1383 requires businesses to divert organic waste from landfills by recycling their organic waste and donating excess food to organizations.

Here's some common misconceptions about the process ⬇️

1️⃣ Isn't donating food optional for businesses?
🔍 Large food-service businesses, such as grocery stores, hotels, restaurant facilities and wholesale food vendors, are required to donate edible food to food banks, soup kitchens and other food recovery organizations. Businesses are also required to keep track of their donations through records and a written agreement with an edible food collection organization.

2️⃣ How do I know what is not considered ""organic waste""?
♻️ As a general rule of thumb, pet waste, palm fronds, plastics, glass, metal and treated lumber are NOT organic waste and DO NOT belong in your green cart. Any yard waste, food scraps, food-soiled napkins and compostable bags CAN go in your green cart.

3️⃣ I cannot participate because my carts do not meet my business' waste needs.
🗑️ Commercial customers can choose from a variety of cart options based on the volume of organic waste they generate. You can “mix and match” sizes for different waste streams (organic, recyclable and landfill/trash) to suit your business needs. To request a different container type (cart or bin) or size, contact UWS directly at (562) 334-3660 or [email protected].

Let’s work together to make greener and more sustainable! Check out for more information on how your business can stay SB 1383 compliant.
¿Te has enterado? El proyecto de ley 1383 del Senado de California requiere que las empresas desvíen los desechos orgánicos de los vertederos reciclando sus desechos orgánicos y donando el exceso de alimentos a las organizaciones.

Estos son algunos conceptos erróneos comunes sobre el proceso ⬇️

1️⃣ ¿Donar alimentos no es opcional para las empresas?
🔍 Las grandes empresas de servicios de alimentos, como tiendas de comestibles, hoteles, instalaciones de restaurantes y vendedores mayoristas de alimentos, están obligadas a donar alimentos comestibles a bancos de alimentos, comedores populares y otras organizaciones de recuperación de alimentos. Las empresas también están obligadas a realizar un seguimiento de sus donaciones a través de registros y un acuerdo escrito con una organización de recolección de alimentos comestibles.

2️⃣¿Cómo sé qué no se considera ""residuo orgánico""?
♻️ Como regla general, desechos de mascotas, hojas de palma, plásticos, vidrio, el metal y la madera tratada NO son residuos orgánicos y NO pertenecen a su carrito verde. Cualquier desperdicio de jardín, restos de comida, servilletas sucias y bolsas compostables PUEDEN ir en su carrito verde.

3️⃣ No puedo participar porque mis carros no satisfacen las necesidades de residuos de mi negocio.
🗑️ Los clientes comerciales pueden elegir entre una variedad de opciones de carrito en función del volumen de residuos orgánicos que generan. Puede “mezclar y combinar” tamaños para diferentes flujos de residuos (orgánicos, reciclables y vertederos/basura) para satisfacer las necesidades de su negocio. Para solicitar un tipo de contenedor diferente (carro o contenedor) o tamaño, comuníquese con UWS directamente al (562) 334-3660 o bien [email protected].

¡Trabajemos juntos para hacer que sean más verdes y sostenibles! Echa un vistazo a para obtener más información sobre cómo tu empresa puede cumplir con la SB 1383.

For the most part, coyotes coexist well within the urban environment and will not affect our daily lives. The best way t...

For the most part, coyotes coexist well within the urban environment and will not affect our daily lives. The best way to minimize the nuisance and losses caused by urban coyotes is by being proactive in keeping coyotes at bay by eliminating sources of food, water, and shelter and conditioning coyotes to avoid humans through regular hazing.

Report Sick or Injured Animals to SEAACA: (562)803-3301.

If a coyote becomes aggressive or threatening, residents should dial 911 immediately.

Was your home built before 1951?Do you have cracked, chipped, or peeling paint?Is there a child under 6 living in or fre...

Was your home built before 1951?
Do you have cracked, chipped, or peeling paint?
Is there a child under 6 living in or frequently visiting
your home?
Is there a pregnant woman living in your home?


For more information, contact LACDA at (626) 296-6302 or visit [email protected]

Join the FREE VEHICLE REBATE WORKSHOP on Tuesday, December 3rd at 5:30 -7:30pm at Leland R. Weaver Library (4035 Tweedy ...

Join the FREE VEHICLE REBATE WORKSHOP on Tuesday, December 3rd at 5:30 -7:30pm at Leland R. Weaver Library (4035 Tweedy Blvd).

Learn more at

SEAACA 🎅"Santa Paws"🐾 is coming to town Saturday, December 7th, from 11am-1pm. Have your pet's photo taken with Santa Pa...

SEAACA 🎅"Santa Paws"🐾 is coming to town Saturday, December 7th, from 11am-1pm. Have your pet's photo taken with Santa Paws for a $10 donation.

100% of the funds donated will go directly to services for the animals and the community. Donation includes one digital photo sent by email of your pet with Santa.


8650 California Avenue
South Gate, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 7am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 7am - 5:30pm
Thursday 7am - 5:30pm


(323) 563-9500


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