The village of Spaulding is currently seeking a resident to fill the vacancy of Village Clerk for the following duties:
The Village Clerk shall attend all meetings of the Village Board and shall keep in a suitable book to be styled “The Journal of the Village Board”, a full and faithful record of its proceedings. The Village Clerk shall record and properly index in a book kept for that purpose, all ordinances passed by the Village Board, and at the foot of the record of each ordinance so recorded, he shall make a memorandum of the date of the passage, when published, and a memorandum of the publication of such ordinance. He shall also record in proper books for the purpose, all official bonds and note upon each bond so recorded, when the same was entered of record and the book and pages where recorded.
A. The Village Clerk shall, on or before the May 15 in each year, and before the annual appropriations to be made by the Village Board, submit to the Village Board a report of his estimates as nearly as may be of monies necessary to defray the expenses of the corporation during the current fiscal year. The Clerk shall, in said report, classify the different objects and branches of expenditures, giving as nearly as may be the amount required for each; and for the purpose of making such a report, he is hereby authorized to require of all officers their statements of the condition and expenses of their respective offices or departments with any proposed improvements, and the probable expense thereof, all contracts made and unfinished and the amount of any and all unexpended appropriations of the preceding year.
B. The Clerk shall, in such report, show the aggregate income of the preceding fiscal year, from all sources, the amount of liabilities outstanding upon which interest is to be paid, the bonds and debts payable during the year, when due and when payable; and in such report, he shall give such other information to the Village Board as he may deem necessary to the end that the Village Board may fully understand the money exigencies and demands upon the corporation for the current year.
Deliver Papers To officers: The Clerk shall deliver to the several committees of the Village Board and to the officers of the Village, all petitions, communications, reports and resolutions, orders, claims and other papers referred to those committees or officers by the Board on demand therefor. He shall also, without delay, deliver to the Mayor, all ordinances or resolutions, orders and claims in his charge which may require to be approved or otherwise acted upon by the Mayor.
Village Clerk: The salary of the Village Clerk shall be the sum of one hundred twenty five dollars ($125.00) per meeting attended. No person shall be eligible to any Village office unless he is a qualified elector of the Village and has resided therein at least one year next preceding his election or appointment.
Anyone that may be interested, please email our Village Administrator at [email protected] as soon as possible.