The City of Springfield Zoning/City Council Meeting will take place tonight Tuesday, October 15 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 S. 7th Street, 3rd floor.
If you experience issues with a streaming network, please utilize one of the following alternative platforms:
• On Comcast Cable Channel 18 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99
• Stream the meeting on the City's website: https://channel18vod.springfield.il.us/CablecastPublicSite/watch-now?site=2
• Stream the meeting on the City's YouTube Channel. (On Tuesday evenings, a "Live" box will appear before the first section of videos.): https://www.youtube.com//featured
Missed a meeting? Visit the City's YouTube Channel for past recordings.
Learn more and review the agenda: https://cityclerk.springfield.il.us/Government/CurrentMeeting.aspx
Sign up to address the council: https://cityclerk.springfield.il.us/Government/AddressCouncil.aspx