From Our Friends @ SILC
Dear Disability Advocates and Stakeholders,
Every three years, the Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois (SILC) submits a new State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) to the Administration for Community Living, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The development of the State Plan is a collaboration between the SILC and all Centers for Independent Living in Illinois. The majority of the SILC members and 51% of Center for Independent Living (CIL) directors must approve the plan. Each state and territory of the United States is required to submit a State Plan.
State Plans for Independent Living (SPILs) show how funding will support the state’s independent living programs and how we will continue to support, strengthen and expand our Independent Living Network, specifically services offered by Centers for Independent Living across Illinois.
The first part of the survey is the objectives, activities and ways we will measure each goal area. The advisory groups, CIL directors and other stakeholder groups have been working for the last year on develop this new State Plan. While our list of activities to accomplish was extremely long, we recognized that we have limited resources to assign to this plan.
The second part of the survey looks at the expansion of the IL network, including identification of the unserved and underserved areas in the State and the order of priority for serving these areas as additional funding becomes available. The term ‘unserved’ means an area not within the service area of any CIL regardless of the type of funding. The term ‘underserved’ means an area not within the service area of any CIL established with Part C funds.
The survey can be accessed through the link below. If you would prefer to respond by email, there are two documents attached. One contains the goals and objectives and the other the funding priorities. Please pass this opportunity on to your colleagues and others that you think should comment.
Please take the time to complete the survey or provide your comments by April 21st. This is YOUR plan. If you prefer not to complete the survey, you may comment using the attached word documents or can also call our office and complete the survey verbally. If you have any questions or experience difficulties you can contact us by email at [email protected] or call Tara Dunning at 217-744-7777. Your comments are needed. Thank You!
Sarah Durbin
SILC Director
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