It's WHRC Wednesday! As we wrap up August, let's take a moment to look at a few books in our Library in honor of Women in Translation Month, "an annual celebration of women writers from around the world, writing in languages other than English," introduced in 2014. Though our collecting scope has never really encompassed non-English works, diverse women's voices and stories are still represented in the Library. Here are just three examples:
Center (and the one that best fits the WIT theme): “Spirit of Flame: A Collection of the Works of Lesya Ukrainka,” the pen name of Larysa Petrivna Kosach (1871-1913), a Ukrainian writer, poet, and activist. 1950 volume, translated by Percival Cundy; donated by the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations, 1995
Left: “Dreams and Thunder: Stories, Poems, and The Sun Dance Opera,” by Zitkala-Ša (1876-1938), a Yankton Dakota writer, translator, and activist. 2001 volume, edited by P. Jane Hafen; donated by Wilma Galegher in memory of Emma Goodwin Meldrum and Mazel V. Neilson, 2004
Right: “Ladies of the Tang: 22 Classical Chinese Stories,” translated by Elizabeth Te-Chen Wang, a Chinese author and scholar. 1973 edition of 1961 publication; donated by Elizabeth Te-Chan Wang, 1982