Our Story
Situated in one of the most densely populated areas of the country, New Jersey is home to some of the most talented, creative and innovative minds of our generation. Although it is recognized that one of New Jersey’s greatest assets is its diversity, the contributions of African Americans to New Jersey’s economy are often overlooked, particularly from an economic standpoint, due to assumptions and stereotypes not grounded on facts.
However, here are some solid figures to consider:
• New Jersey is home to approximately 66,000 African American owned businesses generating over $4.4 Billion dollars in annual revenues in services, retail, trade, transportation, communication, utilities and construction industries.1
• Among persons 25 years and over, the proportion of African Americans with a high school diploma or higher was 81.7% comparing to 88.2% of whites, as of 2006 – an improvement from 2000’s 74.5% African Americans vs. 84.6% whiles with such educational attainment.2
Despite these facts, the aggregate and sustained growth of African Americans has not kept pace with other business enterprises in New Jersey. Therefore, it is critical that AACCNJ serve as the mechanism for communication, program creation, and strategic implementation of resolutions that address economic disparities of African American business enterprises throughout New Jersey.