Science Senator Zwicker Joins Hundreds for Solar Eclipse
April: Pro tip - always bring a scientist to a solar eclipse.
This spring we joined our very own scientist Senator Andrew Zwicker at Princeton's Palmer Square to take part in a once in a generation event that captivated New Jerseyans all across the state.
We're taking a look back at our most impactful moments and legislation from 2024.
Singleton Landmark Housing Bill Now Law
MARCH: Landmark affordable housing legislation championed by Senator Troy Singleton was signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy, putting us on a pathway to success by making housing more affordable and more attainable for more New Jerseyans.
We're taking a look back at our most impactful moments and legislation from 2024.
“S-50 will put us on a pathway to even more success in the next round of affordable housing obligations,” said Singleton. “Without securing the most basic of human needs – a home – the other policies that we pass cannot be as effective.”
“And most of all, the next generation grows up in stable homes and safe environments.”
JANUARY: The New Jersey Domestic Workers Bill of Rights Act from Richard J. Codey & Britnee Timberlake was signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy giving basic legal rights for New Jersey's 50,000 domestic workers
We're taking a look back at our most impactful moments and legislation from 2024.
"The signing of this legislation will give these essential workers the legal protections and rights that every worker deserves, and help prevent the employer abuse they often face,” said Former Governor Codey.
The new law provides domestic workers with anti-discrimination and anti-harassment rights, health and safety protections, and privacy rights.
“Domestic workers care for families and homes across our state. They deserve basic rights and dignity,” said Senator Timberlake.
“In honor of my grandmother, Mary L. Whitely, a career domestic worker who cared for countless children and worked long, hard hours, I am very proud to see my bill signed into law.”
The New Jersey Senate said goodbye to Nellie Pou, who heads to Congress after nearly 28 years in the state legislature.
"There is no better member I can think of than yourself: reliability, hard work, dedication to your craft and decency as a person. You will certainly be missed," says Senate President Scutari.
Pou will become the first Latina Congresswoman from New Jersey.
M. Teresa Ruiz Senator Paul A. Sarlo Nilsa Cruz-Perez
Senator Nellie Pou says goodbye to the New Jersey legislature after nearly 28 years, elected to become the first Latina Congresswoman from our state.
"I represent the people regardless of their political affiliation. That is what we are brought here into this statehouse to do," says Pou.
“To my legislative latino members: Stay strong. Stay true to your belief. And your voices will continue to be heard.”
McKnight Honors Family Members In Fatal Crash
Today Senator Angela V. McKnight honored Lamar and Darryl McKnight, who were involved in a fatal crash on December 6.
"Their memories will forever remain in our heats," says McKnight. "As I stand here today, I am reminded that we are not alone. The love, kindness and support that we continue to receive warms our hearts."
No one should have to mourn the loss of a loved one to a traffic fatality.
Today the Senate will vote on legislation from Patrick Diegnan to establish the “New Jersey Target Zero Commission" - with the goal of eliminating all traffic deaths by 2040.
"Too many families are experiencing devastating, tragic losses that highlight the need for action,” said Senator Diegnan. “This will create a clear, comprehensive plan for State and local governments to save lives and protect our communities.”
Thank you to The Nikhil Badlani Foundation for sharing your story.
Families for Safe Streets New Jersey
NJ Bike & Walk Coalition
Families for Safe Streets National
Diegnan Target Zero Legislation Advances
"Each life lost to traffic violence is a preventable tragedy."
Hear powerful testimony on the “New Jersey Target Zero Commission” from Senator Patrick Diegnan - with the goal of eliminating all traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2040.
The legislation unanimously advanced the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee this week.
The Nikhil Badlani Foundation
McKeon ‘Climate Superfund Act’ Clears Committee
The Senate Environment Committee advanced the "Climate Superfund Act" from Senator John F. McKeon to hold fossil fuel companies liable for certain damages caused by climate change, and to ensure our residents receive the support they deserve — to rebuild after disasters, prevent future ones, and create a stronger, more resilient New Jersey
Johnson Bill to Require Cancellation Options for Subscriptions
"For too long companies have exploited consumers by making it easy to sign up for subscriptions, but deliberately tricky to cancel them," says Senator Gordon Johnson.
Legislation from Senator Johnson would require all subscription service providers to allow consumers to cancel or terminate a subscription service using the same medium through which the consumer is accustomed to interacting with the provider.
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Freedom to Read Act Signed Into Law
Today we take major steps in protecting New Jersey readers' freedom to information - while safeguarding librarians from harassment brought on by extreme book ban efforts.
The Freedom to Read Act from Senator Andrew Zwicker & Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz was signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy, protecting libraries, librarians, and their readers.
"Today, we ensure that every New Jerseyan has the freedom to choose what they want to read, and parents will continue to have the freedom to choose what their children read," says Senator Zwicker. "But no one else gets to decide for you. That, quite simply, is the ‘Freedom to Read.’”
Moriarty Bill to Develop Cell Phone, Social Media Policy for Schools
“Unrestricted cellphone use in our schools has become a crisis that disrupts learning and negatively affects the mental health of students," says Sen. Paul Moriarty on legislation which would require the DOE to develop a cellphone & social media policy to be adopted in K-12 schools.
The bill, S-3695, would assist school districts in developing policies concerning student use of cellphones and social media platforms during regular school hours, on a school bus, or during school-sanctioned events.
“Cellphone and social media usage have been linked to higher levels of anxiety and depression, as well as sleep disruption. It is imperative for the DOE to develop a common-sense approach to help mitigate these issues and allow our kids to focus on learning," says Moriarty.
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