As our Waste Management drivers completed their routes, they were greeted with a holiday concert. Their expressions and gratitude were priceless.
Special thanks to Councilman Michael Berlucchi and the Princess Anne High School Windwood Quintet and Trombone Choir, and Music Director John Boyd for filling our locker room with holiday cheer.
Are you meticulous about recycling and making sure your items are correctly placed in the bin? Or is recycling not at the top of your daily list of priorities? Whatever type of recycler you are, your opinion matters. Learn more about the future of recycling in Virginia Beach and subscribe for updates at
City Council designated October as Fall Clean-Up Month as a way to promote volunteerism and beautification projects throughout Virginia Beach. This week, Waste Management and Keep Virginia Beach Beautiful will focus on ways that everyone can help to keep our communities clean and our waterways healthy and beautiful!
#fallcleanupvb #virginiaisforloversnotlitter
If you’re calling or visiting our office tomorrow, expect a little noise! No complaints from us whatsoever! The benefits of being in the flight path for Oceana Naval Air Station! #blueangels #navalaviation #oceanaairshow #gonavy #f18superhornet