Ranking Member Morelle Roundtable Observing the 15th Anniversary of the Citizens United SCOTUS Decision
ICYMI: Ranking Member Joe Morelle hosted a roundtable highlighting the devastating impacts of the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision 15 years later. You can watch the roundtable conversation here⬇️
Mr. Derf Johnson Testifies at Full Committee Hearing on December 18, 2024
Watch Mr. Derf Johnson testify about his experience as a Montanan being impacted by foreign special interest money that previous Republican-appointed FEC members allowed. Foreign special interest money has no place at all in our American elections.
Ranking Member Morelle Opening Remarks - December 18, 2024
Ranking Member Joe Morelle's opening statement highlights how far reaching and harmful foreign special interest money is and drowns out the voices of everyday Americans.
"Similar outside foreign special interest spending defeated a local Oregon ballot measure opposing the development of a natural gas pipeline in 2017 and as we'll hear more today, foreign corporate money defeated a 2018 water quality ballot initiative in Montana."
Evan Milligan discusses his win for voting rights at the Supreme Court and the ongoing fight to #ProtectOurVotingRights
A Symposium, Shelby County a Decade Later: The Path Forward in Our Ongoing Fight for the Right to Vote
Subcommittee on Elections Ranking Member Terri Sewell (D-AL) will host a symposium titled, “Shelby County a Decade Later: The Path Forward in Our Ongoing Fight for the Right to Vote.”
Civil rights and voting rights leaders will join Representative Sewell to discuss and explore the impact of the Shelby County decision and the road ahead for voting rights and ensuring access to the ballot for every eligible American. The symposium takes place at the historic 16th Street Baptist Church.
Chairman G.K. Butterfield of the Elections Subcommittee knows the difference between mis, dis, and malinformation. Listen to the Chairman explain these important terms:
Like Congressman G. K. Butterfield said, along with “disinformation”, there is also “malinformation” and “misinformation”. The combination of all three is called MDM-information and they have key contrasts in when they are used by officials.
“Disinformation” is made intentionally to mislead, manipulate, and harm groups, organizations, countries, and individuals.
“Malinformation” uses out-of-context facts to mislead, manipulate, and harm.
“Misinformation” is false information, but not used with the intent to harm.
Learn more about MDM-information here: https://www.cisa.gov/mdm
Here’s the Committee on House Administration's most recent hearing, focusing on MDM threats in America:
Mr. Brad Ashwell during yesterday's Committee on House Administration Elections Subcommittee hearing on the dangers of the vague “Election Police Force” recently implemented by Governor DeSantis:
After the previous administration’s outright grift, corruption, and disdain for democratic norms, Representative Zoe Lofgren spoke on the House floor today on how the #ProtectingOurDemocracy Act will root out foreign interference in our elections. Watch ⬇️
Today, Committee on House Administration held a hearing with a panel of expert witnesses to discuss Congress' paramount, broad authority to regulate federal elections under the Elections Clause.
A powerful moment from Professor Franita Tolson, Professor of Law and Vice Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law:
Chairperson Lofgren in opening remarks during today's hearing:
"Inspector General Bolton’s latest flash report, like his three previous flash reports, found a number of deficiencies in the programs he reviewed, including significant failings that impacted the ability of the Capitol Police to respond to the January 6 attack, and could have put officers at greater risk – as well as the Members and staff they sought to protect."
Chairperson Lofgren on legislation to establish an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 attack and provide emergency security supplemental funding:
"We need to get to the bottom of this - not just to find out what happened leading up to the 6th, but how to prevent that from happening again."
Chairperson Lofgren joined CNN's Ana Cabrera yesterday to discuss legislation to establish an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate the attack on January 6 to review the specific conditions and events leading up to this attack and report on the facts.
Watch ⬇️