Come and let The DC LGBTQ+ Community Center Feed you. Every Tuesday we get food donated from the AMAZING!!!! Food Rescue US - DC and this week we have Eggs, Sausage, Bacon, Potatoes and Pancakes! We also have some chicken too. Comme get some delicious Breakfast this week. All you have to do is be an LGBTQ Community Memeber and we're happy to heat you up plate 12-6 m-f and 11-3 Sat. #lgbtqia #freefood #queerdc
DC mayor congratulates DC LGBTQ+ Community Center on 20 years of service
Grateful for the past 20 years with the community and we are looking forward to the next 20! Find out how you can help support our mission: #DCLGBTCommunityCenter #dcpride #CreatingCommunity #dclgbtq