You should have seen the smiles on our faces we toured our new space. We're so close!
It's Reading Day. The Library is ready to help you get through finals week! Stay tuned for study breaks and motivation. You got this! #FirebirdFinals #udcfirebirds #OneUDC
Some sounds of the end of summer. Have a great week, Firebirds!
New website navigation bar, who this? We hope this makes using the library’s website much easier. Let us know what you think!
Study break time! Put on your favorite song and bust a move. #FirebirdFinals #UDC1851 #UDCFirebirds
*clears throat* *starts singing* So long! Farewell! It's the last day of spring classes! *ends singing* The semester is amost over, Firebirds! You got this!
You did it! You finished the fall semester and that is pretty darn exciting. WOOOO! (Now go enjoy the break.) #FirebirdFinals #UDC1851 #UDCFirebirds
If you're shoulders are tense or you've been clenching your teeth, try some stretches to loosen the tension in your body. A good shoulder roll can do a lot. #FirebirdFinals #UDC1851 #UDCFirebirds
Take a break and focus on your breathing. Deep breathing can relieve stress and help you focus. #FirebirdFinals #UDC1851 #UDCFirebirds
There is no one like you in the world and that's what makes you great! You got this! #udc1851 #udcFirebirds #FirebirdFinals
Deep breaths, Firebirds! You can ace those finals! #udc1851 #udcFirebirds #FirebirdFinals
Working on some end of semester research? We're here to help! Schedule an appointment (online or in-person) with a librarian here: