Grown in harmony with nature!
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In addition to producing coffee, a host of other products can be harvested from a #coffee farm such as #fruit, #timber, and #fuelwood.
Income from fruits can play an important role in times of low coffee prices or periods when other income sources are scarce.
These supplemental #crops provide food for home consumption, limit soil erosion, provide a haven for #pollinators and #predators, and improve #fertilization.
Whatʼs good for the birds is... good for you.
Whatʼs good for the birds is... good for the planet.
Whatʼs good for the birds is... good for farmers.
Whatʼs good for the birds is... good for nature.
Being Bird Friendly® benefits us all. Migrate to Bird Friendly today!
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Is your coffee grown underneath or alongside native shade trees?
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Views from a Bird Friendly coffee farm in Colombia!
Do you hear the Macaws in the background?
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A sneak peak into coffee processing!
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Flavors as lush as the forest is saves. #DrinkBirdFriendly
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“Without coffee farmers that have chosen to maintain these trees, there is no habitat for these migratory birds.” – Ruth Bennett, Smithsonian Ecologist
Watch the short film Café Y Aves to see how coffee farmers can be part of bird conservation.
Bird Friendly® coffee is shade-grown, meaning that it is grown and harvested under the canopy of mature trees, a process that parallels how coffee was historically grown. But with most farms in Central and South America and the Caribbean converting to full-sun operations, crucial bird habitats for migrating and resident bird species are being lost.
Bird Friendly® coffee is certified organic, but its impact on the environment goes further than that: it is cultivated specifically to maintain bird habitats instead of clearing vegetation that birds and other animals rely on. #DrinkBirdFriendly
#Organic #Coffee #MigratoryBirds #SaveWildlife #TropicalWildlife #CoffeeFarming #Agroforestry #BirdLovers
Bird watching on a Bird Friendly coffee farm!
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