PEFA Secretariat

PEFA Secretariat PEFA is a tool for assessing the status of public financial management. PEFA is a tool for assessing the status of public financial management performance.

A PEFA assessment provides a thorough, consistent and evidence-based analysis of PFM performance at a specific point in time. The PEFA methodology can be reapplied in successive assessments to track changes over time. PEFA is a partnership program managed by eight international development partners: the European Commission, International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, French Ministry of Foreign Af

fairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovak Ministry of Finance, Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, and the UK's Department for International Development. The PEFA Partners jointly establish the objectives and scope of the PEFA Program, define the content of the PEFA brand and criteria for its use, provide institutional support for its implementation and mobilize the necessary resources for its activities. The PEFA Program is managed and implemented through a structure involving the PEFA Steering Committee composed of PEFA Partners, which directs and monitors the PEFA Program, and the PEFA Secretariat, which implements the program’s activities.

🤝Read about the latest chapter in the story of the continuing collaboration between PEFA Secretariat and Intosai Develop...

🤝Read about the latest chapter in the story of the continuing collaboration between PEFA Secretariat and Intosai Development Initiative - IDI, and their shared commitment to improve governance and accountability globally -- in this just-published article on both PEFA and IDI websites:

➡️Read on PEFA website:
➡️Read on IDI website:

📢 The Armenia PEFA Assessment Report 2024 is now published on PEFA Website!This is the third national assessment for the...

📢 The Armenia PEFA Assessment Report 2024 is now published on PEFA Website!

This is the third national assessment for the country, but the first using PEFA 2016 Methodology. The PEFA assessment was led by the government with the financial support of European Union as the Lead Agency and technical support from Asian Development Bank (ADB), Agence Française de Développement, International Monetary Fund, and The World Bank.

🎉Congratulations to the team for the assessment being awarded the PEFA Check!

Armenia 2024 PEFA Report ➡️
Summary of Scores ➡️

📽️ Watch this video of Salvador Elmazi, Director of Budget, Ministry of Finance of Kosovo, talking in detail about the s...

📽️ Watch this video of Salvador Elmazi, Director of Budget, Ministry of Finance of Kosovo, talking in detail about the steps towards the PEFA Gender Assessment that was undertaken in his country. He also reflects on how the assessment findings can help in undertaking PFM reforms towards achieving gender equality.

📖 For the PEFA Gender (Annex) report that is being mentioned in this video, see the link:

ℹ️ To know more about PEFA Gender, visit:

In this short video, Salvador Elmazi, Director of Budget, Ministry of Finance of Kosovo talks in detail about the steps towards the PEFA Gender Assessment th...

📢APPEL A CANDIDATURES ! 🤝En partenariat avec le Secrétariat PEFA, l’Agence Française de Développement et Expertise Franc...


🤝En partenariat avec le Secrétariat PEFA, l’Agence Française de Développement et Expertise France organisent une formation PEFA en français destinée aux futur·es évaluateurs et évaluatrices.

📖Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes susceptibles de devenir évaluateurs et évaluatrices PEFA à court terme. Les profils recherchés doivent être issus de l’administration, des partenaires techniques et financiers, du milieu universitaire, ou encore des ONGs, et témoigner d’une spécialisation déjà reconnue en gestion des finances publiques.

♀️Les candidatures féminines sont encouragées.

🗓️Les sessions se dérouleront du lundi 30 septembre au jeudi 3 octobre en présentiel à Abidjan. Le nombre de participants est limité. La formation est gratuite, mais tous les autres frais, notamment le voyage et l'hébergement, le visa, etc., sont à la charge des participant·es.

⚠️Merci de manifester votre intérêt au plus t**d le 15 juillet 2024. Pour les modalités de candidature, veuillez consulter ce lien :

📢 IT'S HERE -- the latest edition of the PEFA PFM NewsFlash!!✔️Catch up on the latest PFM news, published reports and as...

📢 IT'S HERE -- the latest edition of the PEFA PFM NewsFlash!!

✔️Catch up on the latest PFM news, published reports and assessments, videos, PFM publications and more from PEFA Secretariat in the latest PEFA PFM NewsFlash of June 2024 -- in English, Spanish and French!

Read it here on the PEFA website ➡

En français ICI


📢 Jean Traband, du ministère français des Affaires étrangères, et Edyner Siribie, de Agence française de développement (AFD), tous deux membres du comité de pilotage du programme PEFA, apprécient la formation en ligne à rythme libre PEFA récemment lancée en français et appellent les praticiens francophones de la GFP à suivre le cours.

🔗 Voici le lien direct pour vous inscrire au cours officiel gratuit en ligne :

ℹ️ Plus d'informations ici :


PEFA تتحدث العربية! حضرت الأمانة العامة لإطار الإنفاق العامة والمساءلة المالية PEFA الى مدينة الكويت، دولة الكويت، في ال...

PEFA تتحدث العربية!

حضرت الأمانة العامة لإطار الإنفاق العامة والمساءلة المالية PEFA الى مدينة الكويت، دولة الكويت، في الفترة من 19 إلى 21 مايو 2024، لتقديم "ورشة عمل تدريبية حول الإنفاق العام والمساءلة المالية (PEFA) ++ في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا" التي تم تنظيمها بالاشتراك مع فريق الممارسات العالمية للحوكمة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا بالبنك الدولي وباستضافة مركز صندوق النقد الدولي للاقتصاد والتمويل (CEF) في الكويت. وحضر الاجتماع أكثر من0 3 خبير وخبيرة في إدارة المالية العامة الذين يتكلمون العربية الممثلين ل 12 دولة في المنطقة.

يمكنكم الاطلاع على تفاصيل التدريب وعلى الصور في موقع ال PEFA

PEFA speaks Arabic!

The PEFA Secretariat was in Kuwait City on May 19-21 to deliver the “Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA)++ Training Workshop in MENA”, an event co-organized with the The World Bank MENA Governance Global Practice team and hosted by the International Monetary Fund Center for Economics and Finance in Kuwait. A great occasion for us to provide training on the PEFA++ Framework to over 30 Arabic-speaking PFM professionals representing 12 countries in the MENA region.
Read the highlights and more photos of the event on the PEFA website:

📽️In this short video, Hajar Ben Ameur, Head of Budgetary Reforms Division, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Morocco tal...

📽️In this short video, Hajar Ben Ameur, Head of Budgetary Reforms Division, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Morocco talks about the journey of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in her country and how the PEFA Gender Supplementary Framework and the assessment is playing a role in bringing change, gender equality and PFM reform in Morocco.

In this short video, Hajar Ben Ameur, Head of Budgetary Reforms Division, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Morocco, talks about the journey of Gender Respons...

📢 The Gambia PEFA 2024 Report is now published on PEFA Website. This is the third assessments for the country,  but the ...

📢 The Gambia PEFA 2024 Report is now published on PEFA Website. This is the third assessments for the country, but the first using PEFA 2016 Methodology and applying PEFA Gender. It is led by the government with the financial support of African Development Bank Group Development Bank and technical support from the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank and the European Union.

Both the National and Gender assessments were awarded PEFA Checks❗
Congratulations to the team❗

The Gambia PEFA 2024 Report ➡
Summary of scores for the National Assessment ➡
The Summary of Scores for PEFA GRPFM Assessment ➡

📢Just launched and available on the PEFA website! 🔽👏 Congratulations to the Government of Nepal for launching the 3rd Pu...

📢Just launched and available on the PEFA website! 🔽

👏 Congratulations to the Government of Nepal for launching the 3rd Public Expenditure & Financial Accountability (PEFA) National Report 2024. For the first time, the assessment includes climate & gender responsive public financial management reports.

🤝The Government of Nepal completed this self-assessment with the technical assistance of the World Bank. The Nepal Public Financial Management Multi-Donor Trust Fund financed the assessment.

Read the reports on the PEFA website:

View the Summary of scores:

Watch the launch ceremony:


Are you interested in learning about the performance of ’s public financial management (PFM) systems?

Ministry of Finance & PFM development partners are launching the 3rd Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment Reports.

Join us live & listen to the key findings, recommendations, & conclusions of the reports.
📆 Tuesday, April 30, 2024
⏰ 2:00-5:00 pm (KTM)

📢 Latest  , Published  ,  , PFM   and more from PEFA Secretariat in the April 2024 Newsflash!Check it out! ➡ https://lnk...

📢 Latest , Published , , PFM and more from PEFA Secretariat in the April 2024 Newsflash!
Check it out! ➡

🔔 Key messages from the   on Promoting   Equality through the Assessment of Gender Responsive Public Financial Managemen...

🔔 Key messages from the on Promoting Equality through the Assessment of Gender Responsive Public Financial Management, Turkey, March 26-27 and highlights from the . The event was co-organized by PEFA Secretariat and UN Women Europe and Central Asia Regional Office and attended by 45 officials and gender experts from 10 countries in the region. Read more 👉

🛎 Some highlights form the PFM forum 2024 and     for Southeast Asia, organized by Asian Development Bank (ADB) in coope...

🛎 Some highlights form the PFM forum 2024 and for Southeast Asia, organized by Asian Development Bank (ADB) in cooperation with PEFA Secretariat in March 2024. Sharing knowledge and links to all presented PEFA products! Read more ⏩
Thanks to all ADB colleagues for the excellent organization and to all participants from the region for contributing to make the training more interactive with interesting discussion.

📢 The fourth national   PEFA   is now available on   website. It is government-led, including consultations with non-sta...

📢 The fourth national PEFA is now available on website. It is government-led, including consultations with non-state actors, the private sector, and development partners. The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank ( ) jointly provided technical quality assurance.
The improvements in PFM performance from the previous evaluation are in the transparency of public finances and the predictability and control in budget ex*****on.
Read the 2023 Bangladesh PEFA report ▶
Access the summary▶

💭💡 Want to know more about PEFA Gender Framework and gender responsive PFM? ⏬

💭💡 Want to know more about PEFA Gender Framework and gender responsive PFM? ⏬

📣👂👀⭐️ Let's hear what Mona El-Chami, Senior Governance Specialist at PEFA Secretariat is saying about knowledge sharing ...

📣👂👀⭐️ Let's hear what Mona El-Chami, Senior Governance Specialist at PEFA Secretariat is saying about knowledge sharing on PEFA Gender framework and collaborating with UN Women to promote through good practices at the co-organized event with UN Women Europe and Central Asia in Istanbul!


📣👀⭐️ Let's hear our GRB Programme Specialist as we spotlight the importance of gender responsive budgeting in Public Financial Management on today's workshop.

PEFA Secretariat Sida - Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete


Happening Now in İstanbul! 👀

Explore the crucial intersection of gender and public finance, uncovering innovative strategies and best practices. ✨ PEFA Secretariat Sida - Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete


Happening tomorrow! 📆 👀

Gender workshop on Promoting Gender Equality through the Assessment of Gender Responsive Public Financial Management, scheduled for March 26-27 in İstanbul. This workshop aims to delve into the critical intersection of gender and public finance, exploring innovative strategies and best practices to promote gender equality through budgeting and financial management. 💼💡

Sida - Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete PEFA Secretariat

📢 The Participants in PEFA Training in Manila showed a great interest in the SNG Guidance, PEFA Gender and PEFA Climate ...

📢 The Participants in PEFA Training in Manila showed a great interest in the SNG Guidance, PEFA Gender and PEFA Climate and enjoyed various exercises. There was a lot of excitement for the countries’ teams in deciding on the key steps in the process of developing PEFA assessments and the stakeholders to be involved. Great suggestions by the teams! PEFA Secretariat is looking forward to the upcoming planned PEFA Assessments from the countries in the region!

The PEFA Training in Manila was completed with giving certificates and appreciation for the participants active involvement in the event! 🤝

PEFA Secretariat thanks to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) team for the excellent organization of the 2024 PFM Forum and PEFA Training! 🙏

PEFA   started with welcoming participants and presenting the training program. It was a great surprise to see that arou...

PEFA started with welcoming participants and presenting the training program. It was a great surprise to see that around 60% of the attendees were female experts!
The participants from , , PDR, and Leste were excited to learn more about PEFA Program and the PEFA Framework.
Srinivas Gurazada, Antonio Blasco and Silvia Kirova from PEFA Secretariat introduced the products in the PFM Knowledge Hub – Global Report on PFM and the Stocktaking of PFM Diagnostic Tools Report and dived deep into PEFA 2016 Framework, presenting and discussing in detail all 31 indicators and 94 dimensions.

🔊 PEFA Secretariat was in Asia for delivering 3 days PEFA training in the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Southeast Asi...

🔊 PEFA Secretariat was in Asia for delivering 3 days PEFA training in the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Southeast Asian countries.
The welcome plenary session: Leveraging PEFA’s potential for building robust Public Financial Management systems - Insights from the was opened by Aman Trana, Director General of ADB’s Procurement Portfolio and Financial Management Department, highlighting the importance of PEFA assessments for improving the PFM systems and achieving the SDG Goals.
The session was moderated by Srinivasan Janardanam, Director, Public Financial Management Division, ADB with participation of the panelists ⏭ Joselito R. Basilio, Head of PFM Secretariat, The government of the Philippines, Srinivas Gurazada, Head of PEFA Secretariat and Tariq Niazi, Senior Director Public Sector Management and Governance, ADB.
It discussed the pivotal role of the in shaping successful PFM reform initiatives and the significance of establishing resilient systems, revealing the collaborative efforts between the ADB and the Government of Philippines in crafting a robust roadmap for PFM reforms.

Thanks to Asian Development Bank (ADB) for organizing the event and the warm welcoming! 🤝

Today, during the   WGEA Webinar on PEFA and PEFA Climate for Supreme Audit Institutions ( ), Srinivas Gurazada, Head of...

Today, during the WGEA Webinar on PEFA and PEFA Climate for Supreme Audit Institutions ( ), Srinivas Gurazada, Head of PEFA Secretariat and Holy-Tiana Razafimahefa Rame, Senior Public Finance Specialist, presented how and PEFA focus on the importance of SAIs and how SAIs could use both frameworks to inform their work.
PEFA Secretariat would like to thank the INTOSAI WGEA Secretariat for organizing the event and promoting PEFA Program and products.


📢 Join PEFA Secretariat presenting PEFA Climate during a webinar organized by WGEA Secretariat: and PEFA : useful aspects for SAIs?.
The event will take place on Teams on Thursday 14 March at 12:00-13:00UTC (8:00-9:00 AM Washington DC time / 14:00-15:00 Helsinki time).
The speakers are Srinivas Gurazada (Head of PEFA Secretariat) and Holy-Tiana Razafimahefa Rame (Senior Public Finance Specialist at PEFA).
To learn more and attend the event 👉


🎥Watch this video clip from last year's PEFA Global Webinar: "Green Public Procurement: Interplay of PFM systems with Climate Change" where Svetlana Klimenko from The World Bank, emphasizes the need for a broader, holistic approach towards PFM for Green Public Procurement.


📢🔔 Have you read the latest PEFA PFM NewsFlash, February 2024 edition?

💻Watch this video where Srinivas Gurazada, Head of PEFA Secretariat talks about the highlights of this edition. ⏬

You can read it here on our website ▶️ and get all the latest PEFA and PFM News!

🛎 PEFA Assessment in Bosnia and Herzegovina -“Four in One” is a story about the unique public financial system that foll...

🛎 PEFA Assessment in Bosnia and Herzegovina -“Four in One” is a story about the unique public financial system that follows the constitutional framework and division of competencies, as a result of which four assessments were conducted in parallel, but published as one document.
During the official launch on January 24, 2024, Karel Lizerot, Head of Section for Justice and Home Affairs, Migration and Public Administration Reform of the Delegation of European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina stated:
"PEFA is at the center of the European Union's financial cooperation with partner countries. It contributes to the progress of public financial management reforms and is part of the EU's "Collect more - Spend better" approach, thus improving efficient and fair revenue collection and efficient and transparent spending"
Read more ▶

📺In this video clip from last year's PEFA Global Webinar: "Green Public Procurement: Interplay of PFM systems with Clima...

📺In this video clip from last year's PEFA Global Webinar: "Green Public Procurement: Interplay of PFM systems with Climate Change" Antonia Ida Grafl, Senior PFM Expert, Institute of Public Management, Zürich University of Applied Sciences, discusses Centralized vs Decentralized Systems for Green Public Procurement

▶️You can watch the video of the entire event on the PEFA YouTube channel at the "PEFA and PFM Events playlist"

Antonia Ida Grafl, Senior PFM Expert, Institute of Public Management, Zürich University of Applied Sciences discusses Centralized vs Decentralized Systems fo...


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