Thanks to all who made 2024 a great year at the Burchfield Nature and Art Center.
The BNAC opened a new exhibit space dedicated to Charles Burchfield. Thanks to West Seneca Buildings and Grounds for the hard work they put into renewing this former office space.
And in the coming months there will be additional exhibit areas for nature and history enthusiasts.
When over 80 people come together to share a common interest.... the world is a better place.
Tuesday August 27th at 6:45 is the final Community Drum Circle. All are welcome.
Oh deer! The woodlands are busy in the morning
So much fun watching Teddy Bears fly at the Teddy Bear Picnic.
Thanks to Ken Belote of KB Percussion Adventures for another great drum circle in the park. Over 90 people enjoyed tonight's Circle. The next Drum Circle will be held August 27th.
Over 70 people came together for tonight's Drum Circle. Thanks Ken Bellotte for another night of sharing.
All are welcome to join the drum circle at the BNAC Tuesday 7/9/24 at 6:45.
Drop in at the BNAC this Sunday for some fun. If it rains, activity will be in the building.
Buffalo Creek in the morning.