Need help filing taxes? 💰 Well, we have some good news for you!
The Public Library is providing free tax services to those who qualify!
With providing locations for free tax preparation and electronic filing through two programs: AARP Tax-Aide and Volunteers Income Tax Assistance (VITA), The Public Libary and other sites are staffed by volunteers who have been trained and certified by the IRS. Appointments required. Leave a message that includes your full name and phone number and your call will be returned.
For more information…
📞Call: 330-333-8108 (for AARP Tax-Aide)
or 330-540-1947 / 330-314-4379 (for VITA sites)
#taxassistance #taxes2023 #AARP #VITA #ThePublicLibary #TakeThatStep #community
Honoring a true pioneer in mental health… Meet Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt! 🧠
Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt contributed to the research of biases between race and crime and how it affects social justice. Her research is helping law enforcement and society to better their judgements through bias training.
Presented by Golie Stennis (Director, Youngstown City Health District’s Office on Minority Health)
Join us in celebrating their legacy as we continue to advocate for mental health awareness and support.
#MCMHRB #TakeThatStep #MentalHealthHero #BlackHistoryMonth #AfricanAmerican #PioneersofMentalHealth #DrJenniferEberhardt
Honoring a true pioneer in mental health… Meet Dr. Harriette Pipes McAdoo! 🧠
Dr. Harriete McAdoo worked to challenge racial stereotypes about Black families. Because of her work in understanding middle class African American families, she was appointed to the White House Conference on families by President Jimmy Carter.
Presented by Audrey Morales (Director, Mahoning County Department of Job and Family Services)
Join us in celebrating their legacy as we continue to advocate for mental health awareness and support.
#MCMHRB #TakeThatStep #MentalHealthHero #BlackHistoryMonth #AfricanAmerican #PioneersofMentalHealth #DrHarriettePipesMcAdoo
Honoring a true pioneer in mental health… Meet Dr. Linda James Myers! 🧠
Doctor Linda James Myers is renowned for her work in psychology and culture. Her development of Optimal Psychology Theory combines worldviews and physics to promote interconnectedness and anti-racism.
Presented by D’Aundray Brown (Executive Director, YMCA of Youngstown @ymcaofyoungstown)
Join us in celebrating their legacy as we continue to advocate for mental health awareness and support.
#MCMHRB #MentalHealthHero #BlackHistoryMonth #AfricanAmerican #PioneersofMentalHealth #DrLindaJamesMyers
Honoring a true pioneer in mental health… Meet Maxie Clarence Maulstby! 🧠
Dr. Maxie Clarence Maulstby founded the psychotherapeutic or self-help method. His work included making emotional self-help a focus on scientific research and clinical use, helping those who use it find long-term results.
Presented by Guy Burney (Executive Director, Youngstown’s Community Initiative to Reduce Violence)
Join us in celebrating their legacy as we continue to advocate for mental health awareness and support.
#MCMHRB #MentalHealthHero #BlackHistoryMonth #AfricanAmerican #PioneersofMentalHealth #DrMaxieClarenceMaultsbey
Honoring a true pioneer in mental health… Meet Joseph L. White PH.D.! 🧠
Doctor Joseph L. White is referred to as the “Father of Black Psychology”. His advocacy helped change the way African Americans were treated when it came to their mental health. In 1968, he helped found the Association of Black Psychologists.
Presented by Reverend Dr. Lewis Macklin (Holy Trinity Missionary Baptist Church)
Join us in celebrating their legacy as we continue to advocate for mental health awareness and support.
#MCMHRB #MentalHealthHero #BlackHistoryMonth #AfricanAmerican #PioneersofMentalHealth #JosephLWhitePhD #holytrinitymissionarybaptistchurch