Ziva kwawakabva Trust

Ziva kwawakabva Trust Ziva kwawakabva Trust helps in the identification of people's roots and origin.

Kufa kwa Hozia wanhu wakaona Mwari.Zvikaramba toedza zvimwe.Effects of climate change.

Kufa kwa Hozia wanhu waka
ona Mwari.
Zvikaramba toedza zvimwe.

Effects of climate change.


The Good Food, and Seed Festival, Ziva Kwawakabva Trust just attended.

Ngatidzoke kwatakabva ndiko kune upenyu chaihwo.

Nhimbe kwatinofara semhuri yenhaunda tichimwa maheu nendari.Pfungwa dzichipora nenziyo dzekunemeraMhunga ne njera ndiko ...

Nhimbe kwatinofara semhuri yenhaunda tichimwa maheu nendari.
Pfungwa dzichipora nenziyo dzekunemera
Mhunga ne njera ndiko kuti naguta

Collective thrashing as a family from one community
Drinking traditional beer, and maheu
The healing with joking traditional songs
Pearl millet and finger millet means we are full, nomore hunger

 ,My Medicine  Mother Earth has all we need.From Medicines, to VaccinesIts a crime to throw away foodClimate change VS M...

,My Medicine

Mother Earth has all we need.
From Medicines, to Vaccines
Its a crime to throw away food
Climate change VS Mental health

Nyika yedu inazvo zvese zvatinoda
Kubva kumushonga, zvekudziwirira
Imhosva kurasa chikafu
Kuchinja kwemamiriro ekunze VS Hutano hwepfungwa

Kudzokwa kutsika dzedu pamagariro, pakudya, pambeu dzedu, tinobudirira mune zvakawanda.Hutano hwakanaka, tinogadzira uka...

Kudzokwa kutsika dzedu pamagariro, pakudya, pambeu dzedu, tinobudirira mune zvakawanda.
Hutano hwakanaka, tinogadzira ukama semhuri, maronda emupfungwa anorapika nukedya kwakanaka nekutandara newamwe pazvinhu zvedu.

Going back to our cultures and traditions in terms of what we eat, our indigenous seeds, we accomplish a lot in regards to health, restoration of dysfunctional families and of the woundedness we collectively experience mentally. This will be achieved by eating good nutrional food without chemicals, association with other like minded people, doing our things we know best.


,MySoil, MySoul

Tadzokazve se Ziva Kwawakabva pa Bikita apo, pa rwendo rwedu rweku kurudzira mbeu dzedu dzepasi chigare.

Tadzokazve se Ziva Kwawakabva pa Bikita apo, pa rwendo rwedu rweku kurudzira mbeu dzedu dzepasi chigare.

Ziva Kwawakabva tracks the origins of humans and seed in order to heal the inner soul and the environment.

Ziva Kwawakabva tracks the origins of humans and seed in order to heal the inner soul and the environment.

Ziva Kwawakabva organisation outlines how it heals the inner soul and the environment.

Sèeds as IdentitySeeds as TraditionSeeds as cultureSeeds as beliefSeeds as familySeeds as continuitySeeds as generations...

Sèeds as Identity
Seeds as Tradition
Seeds as culture
Seeds as belief

Seeds as family
Seeds as continuity
Seeds as generations
Seeds as love

Seeds as life
Seeds as soul
Seeds as health
Seeds as medicine

Seeds as wealthy
Seeds as sustainability
Seeds as livelihoid
Seeds as food

Seeds as restoration
Seeds as transformation
Seeds as change
Seeds as unity

Seeds as history
Seeds as future
Seeds as yesterday
Seeds as tomoro

Seeds as independence
Seeds as democracy
Seeds as soverenity
Seeds as peace


Bikita organic  Seed and food fair. True African food.

Bikita organic Seed and food fair. True African food.




Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00



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